A community-led initiative developed by the Black Girls Equity Alliance (BGEA) that provides access to supports and services to ANY YOUTH, up to age 18, living in Allegheny County, Pittsburgh, PA as a diversion to the Juvenile Justice and Child Welfare Systems.

The BGEA Juvenile Justice Work Group has sought to address this problem by building a wide network of community partners to address issues of the school-to-prison pipeline, school pushout, lack of trust in law enforcement, access to services, lack of mental health services, lack of trained professionals and a system disconnected from communities.
caring connections for YOUth provides a solution
Access to a 24-hour centralized call center
through 2•1•1
Access to a Referral Network of community-based agencies, case management & follow-up, provider training and support
Connections to community-based supportive interventions for youth, parents, police officers, school personnel, probation, magistrates, juvenile court judges, & any youth serving entity